Our Investments
The financial inclusion institutions in which we invest
Abler Nordic's five funds (Global, Frontier, Fund III, Fund IV, and Climate Smart Fund) include 22 active investments. The portfolio consists of 13 Equity, 4 Debt, and 7 MIV (Microfinance Investment Vehicles) investments. Abler Nordic's active and direct Investments (excluding the MIVs) reach ~7 million clients in Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Myanmar, Uganda and Senegal, as well as additional Sub-Saharan African countries as part of our investment in Baobab Group.
Since inception, Abler Nordic has cumulatively supported 12.7 million borrowers.
Abler Nordic has funding of 10 million USD from The Ministry of Climate and Environment in Norway (NICFI) for Climate Smart Fund in Indonesia. The fund provides affordable loans to smallholders close to the rainforest to intensify their agriculture production on the condition that they don't encroach on the Indonesian rainforest.
Fund IV

Dvara KGFS (Kshetriya Gramin Financial Services) (Direct, Equity)

Ergos (direct, equity)

Juhudi Kilimo (Direct, Equity & Debt)

Proximity Finance Microfinance Company Limited (Direct, Equity)
Client Stories

Sathapana Bank Plc (Direct, Subordinate Debt)
Client Stories

Sindhuja Microcredit Pvt Ltd (Direct, Equity)

Sitara (Direct, equity)

Fund III

Kenya Women Microfinance Bank (Direct, Equity)

Sub-K IMPACT Solutions (Direct, Equity)
Frontier Fund


Goodwell (Fund, MIV)

Progression (Fund, MIV)

Global Fund

IFIF (Fund, MIV)

RIF II (Fund, MIV)

ShoreCap II (Fund, MIV)