Client Stories

My efforts are now paying off

Juhudi Kilimo, Kenya: - My name is Jackeline and I am a mother of four from a small village in Nyamira. I am a hardworking smallholder farmer who is in the business of growing tea and keeping dairy cattle for profit.


My first encounter with Juhudi Kilimo was through a referral by Heifer International in 2009. I was enrolled, trained and applied for my first loan of Ksh 40,000 (∼ 280 USD) which was used for tea planting.

My desire to diversify in farming and increase my yields motivated me to apply for more loans which I used to buy dairy feeds and other supplements. I later on applied for more loans to purchase a heifer and expand the size of my dairy operations. My efforts are now paying off as I am able to feed and educate all my children from the income generated by my business. I owe much of my success to Juhudi Kilimo.

Source: Juhudi Kilimo, Kenya.

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