Client Stories

Plans to hire two helpers

Light Microfinance, India: Vegetable Farmer Chauhan Hansaben has been a member of Light Microfinance for half a decade. As the primary wage earner of a six-member family, Hansaben was in dire need of income augmentation.


Light Microfinance, India: Vegetable Farmer Chauhan Hansaben has been a member of Light Microfinance for half a decade. As the primary wage earner of a six-member family, Hansaben was in dire need of income augmentation. Using the first of her loans from Light Microfinance, she started vegetable farming. Eventually, her excellent credit discipline and business acumen enabled her to obtain loans of the higher amount from Light. Now her monthly average income has increased to Rs. 10,000 (~135 USD) and she plans to expand her business even further by employing two helpers.

Source: Light Microfinance, India.

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