Sales quadrupled
AB Bank Rwanda, Rwanda: Uwamahoro Jean De Dieu and his wife Mukankusi Joselyne started the business of selling items in 2001 with capital of RWF 500,000 (or 550 euros).
AB BANK RWANDA, RWANDA: UWAMAHORO JEAN DE DIEU, 40 years old, together with his wife MUKANKUSI Joselyne, is in the business of selling food items. They live at the Masaka sector in the Kigali area in Rwanda with their 4 children. They started the business of selling items in 2001 with capital of RWF 500,000 (or 550 euros). The husband and wife work daily together, with Joselyne watching over the shop, and Jean de Dieu, doing all the purchasing of supplies and inventories.
A client advisor from AB Bank Rwanda approached Jean de Dieu in 2014 to offer him the products and services of the bank. He immediately became interested in applying for a loan. AB Bank Rwanda was the first bank he worked with. Since then, he has already borrowed five loans. The first loan was RWF 1,000,000 (or 1,000 euros). This loan enabled him to increase his working capital. The second loan was RWF 1,600,000 (or 1,600 euros) and the third loan was RWF 2,000,000. Both loans helped him to further increase his inventories. The fourth loan amounting to RWF 4,000,000 (or 4,000 euros) helped Jean de Dieu to start purchasing bigger quantities because he is now able to buy from Tanzania (instead of from local sources). He started supplying food items to different clients and Hotels in Kigali City. He is currently serving his fifth loan amounting to RWF 4,000,000 (or 4,000 euros). Jean de Dieu’s business has grown from average daily sales of RWF 50,000 to RWF 200,000 (or from 50 euros to 200 euros). In additional to the loan, the client has built a family house and bought two plots of land. He plans to send his kids to universities by continuing to grow his business with the help of AB Bank Rwanda.
Source: AB Bank Rwanda, https://www.abbank.rw/